If you find yourself in financial trouble, bankruptcy is a credible tool to help you build a better financial future. Bankruptcy may allow to discharge some or all of your debt. Even when complete discharge is not available, it can allow you the opportunity to reorganize your debts to make them more manageable. Beasley & Gilkison is here to guide you through the bankruptcy process and help you along the way toward a fresh financial start.
Bankruptcy Services Include:
- Chapter 7 Bankruptcy;
- Allows for the complete discharge of most unsecured debts such as credit card debt, medical bills, and other personal loans or obligations.
- Chapter 13 Bankruptcy;
- Allows those whose income is too high for Chapter 7 to discharge some debts and reorganize others to make them more manageable while retaining assets such as a home or vehicle.
Overview of Beasley & Gilkison’s Services:
- Free bankruptcy consultation;
- Help clients obtain necessary documentation for filing;
- File all necessary pleadings;
- Attend all hearings;
Contact our office to schedule a free consultation today!